My 2006 Agenda
Well 2006 is here and I have not made any real New Years resolutions, but I do have goals and aspirations for 2006. Initially I was planning to recap my 2005, but at this point, I think I will talk more about my future than recap the past. A few notable things about 2005 for me were:
- Meeting my partner
- Being part of a successful research project that will add to HIV prevention programming for Black Men who have Sex with Men.
- Landing a part time job doing mental health counseling, because I had been missing my direct service experience doing research.
- The incredible experience I've had being a facilitator for Many Men, Many Voices. I've enjoyed meeting all kinds of different and inspiring people who have attended the retreats and its been an invaluable experience. (For all you New Yorker's and N. Jersey boyz, you need to get with People Of Color in Crisis and get to one of the retreats!)
- I've been involved with an action group here in Philly, that's looking to improve the overall health and well being of Black gay men. This is an issue that's important to me, and though we've been on a little hiatus, I'm hoping that 2006 will be a progressive year for this planning body.
- Last, but not least, I started Blogging! That has truly been one of the highlights, because I've been wanting to write for over a year now and I find this to be the perfect way to share my thoughts with a worldwide audience. It's also therapeutic. Keep supportin' a brutha in the '06.
In the mix for 2006:
- One of the things I'd really like to do this year is teach a college level class. I have put in resume's with Temple University's Social Work program and with the Community College of Philadelphia, so I hope to hear something. Temple actually got back to me and said they might be looking for adjunct professors for the Spring semester. I'd love to teach a HIV related course, social work or a human sexuality class.
- I want to continue writing and build the readership of my Blog. People have told me they find some of the stuff I write to be interesting and helpful, so I plan to continue writing about current events and adding to the richness of the blog community. I feel I've had a little bit of writer's block for the beginning of the year, but I hope to get over it soon.
- I also want to make my Blog look more visually appealing and less like the template it is. I'm a little jealous of the new look of Clay Canes Blog and other's that I've visited. I'm trying to teach myself a little HTML so I can make this happen.
- Decorate my apartment better. I have been in this place for over 8 months now and still have boxes (LOL). So I definitely need to get with decorating and making my place look a little more lived in. The problem is, I really don't get into decorating, so it's a challenge.
- I hope to catch some good concerts this year. I would LOVE to see Lisa Stansfield, though it doesn't seem that she ever tours in the US. Others I would like to see in concert are: Jill Scott (Again, 'cuz she's amazing), Jaguar Wright, The Roots (just missed them in Atlantic City a couple of week ago), Mary J Blige & India (the house music singer with the beautiful voice). I know there are more, but those are who I can think of off the top of my head.
- I also want to build my circle of friends here in Philly. I have plenty of associates, but not many close friends, which is something important to me.
I look forward to what 2006 has to offer me. I'm the type to go for what I want and I have been lucky enough to get most of those things. I live my life virtuously and put good energy out, which is why I think I've been blessed with such good Karma in life so far. So be sure to stay with me in 2006, I'll make it worth your while. And please continue to give me feedback on what I write, it helps keep me going and evolve as a writer.
I hope you meet your goals for 2006. I noticed you did not mention your future with your partner. Is there room for another romance interest? People would like to know.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006 7:37:00 AM
No, it doesn't mean that at all. I suppose there are certain things I didn't mention on my agenda for 2006, because they are givens (at least to me). One of them being continuing to build the relationship with my partner, another given that I didn't include, but is important to me is advancing in my career and learning how to be a better researcher.
I'm a commitment oriented person and a one man's man, so I'm not planning on being on the market in '06.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006 9:03:00 AM
You have some very inspiring plans set for yourself in 2006. I hope you succeed. I do share one goal...making the blog more visually appealing to diverse readers.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006 3:47:00 PM
I've been contemplating the Many Men, Many Voices retreat, but wonder if it won't be "been there, done that" for me. Who knows.
I've been in my apartment almost 8 years and I've still got boxes! I also do not possess the decorator gene.
You've been a welcome addition to the blogosphere. Keep it up in '06.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006 4:14:00 PM
Wow - so, you have a great list. You're far along than I am...at least you've gathered your thoughts enough to make a list. I'm still roaming somewhere in outer space with my plans. You're my inspiration!
Coming Into Reality,
Wednesday, January 11, 2006 12:51:00 PM
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