The Boodocks, Stereotypical or Reality?

Have you all seen The Boondocks, a new cartoon that airs Sunday's @ 11pm on The Cartoon Network's Adult Swim? If not, you are missing something and it's worth watching at least one episode. Click here to view a clip of the cartoon. For those that haven't seen it, a quick synopsis of the plot is that two young Black brothers (10 & 8) move to a boondock suburb of Chicago (hence the name of the show) when their grandfather gets custody of them. Prior to moving to the boondocks, the boys lived on the South Side of Chicago. The younger brother Riley is a self proclaimed 8 year old gangsta' who has a foul mouth and bad temper to match. On the other hand is Huey, Riley's 10 year old brother who is a socially conscious intellectual revolutionary who is all for the advancement of Black people.
So here's my take on the show. I have only seen two of the episodes, so my thoughts are based on these two shows. Last night, though I was needing to get ready for bed, I found myself captivated by this show and at the same time thinking that I don't know if I should support it, because of some of it's content. Most of my problem with the show lies with the younger brother, Riley, who uses the "N" word frequently, has a violent disposition that seems to be a bit excessive, especially for an 8 year old. On last night's show, Riley was pissed with Santa Claus for not bringing him presents when he was living in the hood last year, so he decided to terrorize Santa Claus this year when he ran into him at the mall. Not only did he verbally harass Santa, but he physically attacked him, by beating him with a golf club during one incident and then came back another day for more revenge. The second time he terrorized Santa, he had a gun with a red beam on it which he aimed at Santa's head and attempted to shoot him. I can't recall, but I think it was a bebe gun he had. Now keep in mind, this is an 8 year old! Although it's a cartoon, that's a bit much, even for me as an adult to watch, especially when I know the reality of 8 year olds in real life bringing guns to school and children accidentally shooting their peers because they gained unauthorized access to a gun.
A stark contrast to this was the social consciousness of his older brother Huey, who wrote a school play about the true meaning of Christmas where he wasn't afraid to challenge the myth that Jesus had blonde hair and blue eyes and pale skin as is depicted by most Christian's. The things he was saying were really on point and I found myself wishing that most young Black 10 year olds were like that in real life. Wishing they could use their brains to create change instead of ignorance and violence. I loved how he spewed out facts on how Christmas used to be a pagan holiday and how he exposed some of the inconsistencies of commonly held truths.
This is where my conflict with the show comes in. I really have a hard time with the liberal use of the "N"word and the excessive violence displayed by the younger brother. In the first episode of the show I saw, I'm not kidding when I tell you that between the little brother and the grandfather, they used the "N" word more than 20 times in a 30 minutes episode! But, on the other hand I like how the older brother directs his anger at a racist society via intellectual opposition. It's easier to use violence as a means to get people to do what you want, but another thing entirely to use your brain as that weapon that creates change. The latter is what we need to teach our young people to do.
I know, I'm digging way too deep into a cartoon, but I think we have to be careful about how we represent ourselves in all forms of media. Our young Black boys are too violent as it is and we don't need shows to reinforce these negative aspects to the extreme that Boondocks does. None the less, I think I'll tune in next week to see what happens. Overall the show is decent and I have always found the humor of John Witherspoon, (who plays the grandfather) to be funny. I will never forget his roles on Friday and Boomerang.
What do others think of this show?
Hi lee,
this is Ervin. I have watched the Boondocks from day one I personally like it a lot but however I gree with the use of language and some of the content. It does come on late but I am sure that children are stillup watching it as it is a top rated show on this network. riley is quite defiat. I felt that he is sometiems extreme. However did yo see the show about ganstalicious a gay rappper?
Tuesday, December 20, 2005 10:57:00 PM
No, I didn't see that episode, but sounds like it was interesting. I also didn't realize it was their top rated show. There certainly isn't anything else like it on TC that i've seen.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005 11:36:00 PM
I love this show, but I agree that the use of the Nword is very excessive.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005 12:49:00 PM
Lee, you yourself used the "N" liberally in one of your post. I don't think there's any justification for the use of that word. It could be because I had a mother that would knock my head into the middle of slavery and the Civil Rights Movement. Using the N word is very disrespectful of what our forefathers and mothers went through in this country. They went through hell just so they could be referred to and seen as men and women and my generation goes around calling their friends that and referring to other black people as that. That's disgusting.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005 10:59:00 PM
I think the show is great for what it is, entertainment. It is also great at picking fun at the so called "celebraties". I think the liberal use of the N word, lessens it's power. Once upon a time, and sometimes still (depending on who's using it) the N word would cause a riot. Now it's on tv without being bleeped. I think the more it's used, the more it becomes trival and therefore it should not have the power hurt us anymore. BTW, Regina King is the voice of both Huey and Riley and I think she does a great job.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:33:00 AM
I think the show is very real....
However the 8 year old doing what he does...a bit over the top, but I still think it's reality.
I know some of the same conversations they have in that house we have in I don't think it's too far off from the truth.
I think Aaron McGruder is genius for putting the show on TV, I don't think he would get away with the shows content if it weren't an animated series.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006 4:42:00 PM
check real riley is an important factor to the show without him would huey look as itellectual as he does?? besides he proves the fact that all african americans are not the same!!!he is also the comic relief to the show...if he wasnt there we might as well watch the history channel he brings somthing common to the youth of 2 day and dont hide the 'N' word...its true this word is THE UGLIEST WORD IN THE DICTIONARY but it also shows people how ignorant and stupid u sound while using any way read this and think about it - power 2 ma ppl BlackPride....
Friday, August 25, 2006 2:43:00 PM
Great article! Thanks.
Saturday, August 18, 2007 4:56:00 PM
Thanks for interesting article.
Saturday, August 18, 2007 10:24:00 PM
Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!
Monday, September 10, 2007 2:19:00 PM
yo i think that the boondocks has a meaning behind every show it has
and you really have to look deap into it for its real meaning to
episode 15 is the best i hope season 2 rocks just as hard as this one did
Friday, October 12, 2007 3:42:00 PM
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