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Friday, December 16, 2005

A Jackson's Reality Show? Say It Ain't So!

Believe it or not, the Jackson family is planning to have a reality TV show based on some of the extended Jackson family members. From what I read in this article the show will be based on the comeback of 3T, which some of us may recall from a few years ago. Their career was very short lived Apparently there will be cameos of all the Jackson family who will be mentoring them as they try to make a name for themselves. Apparently The most infamous Jackson, Michael will make a cameo appearance in the pilot episode, but it's uncertain if he will be in it other than that. If the show gets picked up by network TV, the most featured family members will be LaToya and Jermain. That should be a trip. I wonder if LaToya has consulted her psychic friends to see that this show will flop.

I think people have grown tired of the Jackson family, I know I have. The only one I follow is Ms. Janet. If Michael didn't do such weird things and get caught up in so much negative controversy, I would love to see him make a comeback. He was so hot in the 80's. However I don't think he will ever be able to come back to the magnitude he was early in his adult solo career. As for the show, I don't think I'd watch it if it came on, would you?


Blogger N4R said...

Yeah people are tired of the Jackson family but most people are nosey so they will watch. I don't get to watch too much TV so I wouldn't be pressed. I have yet to see even one episode of Run's House and I heard that show was too funny. I am sure others will watch the show. Especially the first one to see what crazyness Michael gonna display. The only thing is 3T is surely forgotten in the US although I hear they are killing it overseas.

Saturday, December 17, 2005 5:59:00 PM

Blogger E said...

Hell to the naw!!!

I definitely don't plan on watching. Well I may catch the premiere but other than that, nope.

Sunday, December 18, 2005 7:48:00 PM

Blogger lj said...

i would so watch it though....I use to like some 3T.

Sunday, December 18, 2005 8:17:00 PM

Blogger Darius T. Williams said...

See now, that's where I disagree. I got a strong feeling that Mike is in the studio right now - remixing and working out some shit and he's got some guests on his new project that will make us blow our minds...give him a few months - he'll come out w/something.

I hope...LOL

Coming Into Reality,

Monday, December 19, 2005 9:37:00 AM

Blogger Deep Fried said...

Aren't they on TV enough. I definitely don't want a dose of their "reality." Bobby and (God bless her) Whitney were enough for me.

Thanks for visiting my blog and for the encouragement!

Monday, December 19, 2005 3:57:00 PM

Blogger Genesis said...

i can't get with none of that BS. 3T? aint nobody thinking about them? i think via the MJ trial and Nipplegate 2004...i have seen enough jackson reality tv to last me the rest of my life....besides...no black celeb's reality show in toppin BBB...none of them....so they can put that where? back there.

Thursday, December 22, 2005 1:56:00 PM

Blogger Dubbed As Trent Jackson said...

UM...Don't be fooled.

If Bobby and Whitney can make it so can the Jacksons! I'd watch the show just for LaToya. She is clearly the star of the family. She is so fascinating and dominating it's sick.

She can come across the screen and wave and people will be in awe of her. She has this power over people....LOL, but I'm serious though.

I am gonna need this show to hurry up and come on so I can have something else to do.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 4:40:00 PM


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