Out Magazines "Out 100"
So here I am watching LOGO, the gay TV channel on cable and Out Magazines Out 100 most influential LGBT people was on. On the OUT magazine website, they say the list is made up of "....... the years most interesting, influential, and newsworthy LGBT people" The show only lasted 3o minutes and they did a quick run through of their list and gave a little tidbit of information as to why they put that person on the list. Guess what I didn't see as I watched it? Not one African American person was on that list, who was actually out and gay. The only 2 African American's they had on the list were both heterosexual. One was Kanye West for the pro-gay comments he made on an MTV interview a few months back. The other was Shaquille O'Neal, something about him sticking up for a gay person who was being verbally assaulted in a public place where O'Neal was present. At any rate, I have no particular rant on this other than I can't believe out of 100 people they couldn't find one out and gay African American GLBT person who fit their criteria of being interesting, newsworthy or influential! Are we not doing anything for the betterment of the LGBT community? Apparently not, if you only go by OUT magazines list. Good thing I know better.
I don't know of any interesting/influential black GLBT person. It could be that I don't pay attention either. Who do you think should have made the list?
Tuesday, November 29, 2005 10:41:00 AM
That list speaks not to the lack of out Black gay folks, but the narrow minds present at Out magazine. Clearly they didn't look hard.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005 11:13:00 AM
There are several out and open GLBT people who are in the public eye, though it may not be in the mainstream media such as people like Melissa Ethridge or Nathan Lane (both of which made this year's list).
The people that I think of off the top of my head would be Keith Boykin, who released a book this year where he did a critical analysis of this whole Down Low issue and how it has been used on some levels to demonize Black men, when Down Low behavior has nothing to do with race. For more info on Keith his website is: www.keithboykin.com
Another person would be Cleo Manago who actually spoke at this year's Million More Movement march as an openly Same Gender Loving man. He has also run a successful education and wellness center called the AmASSI Center in LA for several years. (www.amassi.com/default.html)
There are others, but they may not be as well known in mainstream media, but these two men have been on the national "mainstream" LGBT radar this past year.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005 11:18:00 AM
I know of Keith Boykin. I did an internet search on hip hop and homosexuality and his website came up. I was just curious if google would find anything. Shocked the heck out of me. I didn't know Keith Boykin wrote a book.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005 7:44:00 PM
I didn't see the special. But, its darn shame that they didn't acknowledge any OUT Black GLBT person.
Thursday, December 01, 2005 11:51:00 AM
that's very interesting. esp. considering how often the gay rights struggle is compared to the civil rights movement. how do you feel about that comparison?
Tuesday, January 03, 2006 1:50:00 PM
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