Privacy Denied: Were You Violated?

Well the Bush administration is in the news again for another scandal. News dropped over the weekend that since shortly after the 9/11 attacks, the National Security Agency (NSA), under the direction of President Bush has been tapping phone lines and monitoring the emails of thousands of Americans. The war on terror is infringing more and more into the daily lives of Americans and it's not only because of terrorists. We are all potential suspects to the United States government, especially if you have any kind of affiliations with people outside of the United States. I bet they probably pulled a list of every Arab-American and anyone else from that part of the world that now lives in America and has been monitoring their communications. Of course I don't think it stops there. Have you called to anyone outside the United States? Emailed anyone from another country, especially one that the United States government considers to be a potential threat for terrorist activity? If you have, regardless of your race, it's likely that some of your communications have been monitored at some point without your knowledge.
The biggest problem is that this isn't legal! There is much debate now that this has been exposed about the legitimacy and need for Bush to go this far to collect anti-terrorism data. From all the shows I watched the past few days, where they have interviewed members of congress, lawyers and politicians, they all say that he has overstepped his authority as a president once again. He has abused his power and we are the victims not only of potential terrorist activity, but we are being victimized by our own government. Bush has also made it clear that he is going to continue this illegal activity, until an act of law forbids it. Does this man have an ego or what? When does he play by the rules? Can you imagine being able to do whatever you want and not be held accountable for it? Now we all know dayum well, if a Black president (if there ever will be such a thing in Amerikkka) were to do anything out of line or illegal in his presidency he'd be impeached before he could finish spelling the word. White privilege is undeniable and President Bush exhibits this frequently. How else could you explain someone becoming president of the US who is inarticulate, lacks intelligce and on top of that has a history of DWI's? Two words WHITE PRIVILEGE!
So how far will this eavesdropping go? For years they have been doing this kind of surveillance on groups considered to be radical in the US, especially Black led groups such as the Black Panthers and the Nation Of Islam as well as more peaceful movements such as that of Martin Luther King Jr. If we as Black gay folks become more radical against our oppressive mistreatment by governmental and social institutions, will we be the next to be under surveillance? Will they be tapping our phone lines and monitoring emails to make sure we don't get out of hand? It's hard to know where this kind of thing will stop, especially if it's being done illegally. Our president talks about values and virtues, but where is the virtue in breaking the law? I was reading the New York Times transcript of the radio address that President Bush gave on December 16th and he is quoted as saying "The American people expect me to do everything in my power under our laws and Constitution to protect them and their civil liberties. And that is what I will continue to do so long as I'm the president of the United States". I wonder what he considers to be under our laws and Constitution, because he broke the law when he had the NSA monitoring our communications without obtaining a warrant, which is the law. Had he followed the procedures properly this issue would not be coming up to haunt him. Our president is a criminal and this isn't the first of his criminal exploits and sadly, this probably isn't the last. We still have 3 years of his nonsense to deal with and I hope this country will be able to recover from the profound damage that's been done.
In the meantime realize that Big Brother is watching. This incident reminds me of the Jill Scott song off her first album called Watching Me, where she talked about the infringement of the government into our personal lives. I love the line when she says "Am I watching the TV or is it watching me, man I don't know". This could be a reality. Hopefully Congress will hold President Bush accountable for breaking the law. Could he be impeached for this? Who knows, but at some point his arrogance, disregard for abiding by the law and lack of honesty has to be stopped.
interesting points
Tuesday, December 20, 2005 4:16:00 AM
I agree that Bush has overstepped his bounds, but I don't think it has anything to do with white privilege. In fact, Bush's election had nothing to do with white privilege, given that the other candidate was also white. It sounds like you're making some good points, but you're letting your focus on the desire for blacks to be more involved in politics (specifically, as far as I can tell, your need for a black president) is getting in the way of hammering down the point that is far more important. And also the point that is more prevelant to this issue: Bush's abuse of his power, and the effects it will have on everyone in the country.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005 5:25:00 PM
I agree that one of the most important points is the abuse of power that Bush is exhibiting and how these abuses are impacting our lives. On the other hand, I do feel that White Privilege plays a part in how much power he has been able to bolster not only in this situation, but also in gaining the presidency in the first place. We all know that money is power, but White privilege in my eyes is not limited to money, it's a very pervasive and complicated construct.
Even though the candidates up for election were White, doesn't mean that White privilige didn't play a part in what candidates got a fair chance to be considered to run for the presidency in the first place. People have to admit that Bush is probably one of the most intellectually poor presidents in US history, but by virtue of him being a White man, with lots of money and political clout, he was able to gain (or more accurately steal)the presidency in 2000.
So I still stick to my belief that White Privilege has benefitted Bush, though it's not the sole reason he's been able to abuse his authority as he has.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005 6:56:00 PM
The government do more spying on U.S. citizens than we think. Many of these invasions of privacy are legal and some state officials can do it as well.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005 8:40:00 PM
My understanding is that Congress approved this. This is a national security issue. And so what if thousands of Arab-Americans' phones are tapped? If I'm not mistaken, 19 of the 19 terrorists that were responsible for 9/11 were Arab!!!! Protecting the country SHOULD override the rights of individuals.
Why are you always trying to link an issue with racism? The issue is whether or not CONGRESS- approved eavesdropping for National Security violates the rights of the individual. Instead of the boy that cried wolfe, you're the man that cried racism.
Thursday, December 22, 2005 3:00:00 PM
If you read this post closely, you would know that I'm not suggesting that the tapping of the phones by the NSA is based on race. My main point of this post is that Bush has went beyond his legal power to do this. If you have followed the story in the news, you would know that what he's doing is illegal, or at least the way he went about it was illegal. The proper protocol established was that he needed to obtain a warrant first, which he could have gotten in a matter of hours to do what he's doing, had they felt it was reasonable to do so. Instead, he didn't follow the established protocol and had the NSA secretly (even to congress) tapping phones. Does this seem fair to you? Laws are established for a reason and you seem to be someone that feels people should follow the rules and not break the law, so that is the point you should be inferring from this post.
My only comments on race in this post had to do with how Bush got to be where he is today and I don't think that anyone can deny that race, economics and his luck in having a father and brother wtih political clout backing him up, is what got him in office. He's not the smartest president in American history by any means. Do you really think that a man of color with similar credentials (and belmishes on his record)to Bush would make into office? I wouldn't make such a big deal about race if society didn't make it that way.
Thursday, December 22, 2005 3:23:00 PM
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