Corey Maye Update- 12/28/05
I visited The Agitator website this morning to see if there were any updates on this case and there were a few. The most interesting are the actual court transcriptions that have been put up by the sites author Radley Balko. On his site you can see all kinds of court documents in PDF form. I haven't really gotten a chance to read them yet, but if your interested click here to view these documents. You'll have to scroll down to the section that says The Maye Trial Transcripts. There you'll find links to several trial documents related to the Corey Maye case.
I have tried my part to bring this case into the consciousness of more people via my Blog, but also emailing the Steve Harvey Morning Show (I know, after all the shit I talk about that show), mostly because Ms. Reid is a respectable journalist with clout in the journalism community. My hope is that she might express some interest in this case. Unfortunately that show has been on break the past 2 weeks and they are only doing "Best of shows" (as if he's been on that long to have 2 weeks worth). I'm planning to email a couple of other nationally syndicated Black shows as well. Please pass the word of this case and these documents on to others you know. The more people who know about this case, the greater the chance that it will reach someone who can bring it to a national audience.
I've heard his show a few times...and that faggot they have on there is HILARIOUS! Reminds me of my best friend.
Good for you for sticking to your guns!
Coming Into Reality,
Thursday, December 29, 2005 11:26:00 AM
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