Be Social! A Social Event for Socially Conscious People!
Philadelphia Health Management Corporation (PHMC) in collaboration with the Black Gay Men's Leadership Council (BGMLC) and the Office of the Mayor of Philadelphia, are sponsoring an event to distrubute some of the findings from the Black Men's Health Survey. The details of the event are contained in the flyer below.
The Black Men's Health Survey is a study funded by the Centers for Disease Control, that took a close look at the lives of Black Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) in the city of Philadelpia and the sociocultural factors that contribute to these men's risk for HIV. This study is the largest ever done on Black MSM in Philadelphia, in which we surveyed over 500 men and completed 30 individual interviews and about 8 focus groups. The data from the 540 men was collected in 2005, so it is very current. Some of the things we asked men related to their experiences with racism and homophobia; HIV and STD testing history; experiences with religous institutions; sexual behavior history; drug use history; experiences of sexual abuse and questions related to bisexual behavior among others.
The event detailed below is an effort that PHMC the BGMLC and the Mayor's Office is making to ensure the findings from this study get back to Black MSM in Philadelphia whose lives are impacted by this information. We want Black MSM to see and hear about this study and the implications it has for improving services for them (us). This event will have a heavy social focus, with a little bit of learning thrown in, so come and enjoy free food and drinks and network with others while learning more about the lives of the men who took part in this study. This is an open invitation, but you need to RSVP to or call (215) 985-2547.
Philadelphia Health Management Corporation (PHMC) in collaboration with the Black Gay Men's Leadership Council (BGMLC) and the Office of the Mayor of Philadelphia, are sponsoring an event to distrubute some of the findings from the Black Men's Health Survey. The details of the event are contained in the flyer below.
The Black Men's Health Survey is a study funded by the Centers for Disease Control, that took a close look at the lives of Black Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) in the city of Philadelpia and the sociocultural factors that contribute to these men's risk for HIV. This study is the largest ever done on Black MSM in Philadelphia, in which we surveyed over 500 men and completed 30 individual interviews and about 8 focus groups. The data from the 540 men was collected in 2005, so it is very current. Some of the things we asked men related to their experiences with racism and homophobia; HIV and STD testing history; experiences with religous institutions; sexual behavior history; drug use history; experiences of sexual abuse and questions related to bisexual behavior among others.
The event detailed below is an effort that PHMC the BGMLC and the Mayor's Office is making to ensure the findings from this study get back to Black MSM in Philadelphia whose lives are impacted by this information. We want Black MSM to see and hear about this study and the implications it has for improving services for them (us). This event will have a heavy social focus, with a little bit of learning thrown in, so come and enjoy free food and drinks and network with others while learning more about the lives of the men who took part in this study. This is an open invitation, but you need to RSVP to or call (215) 985-2547.

I just ran across you blog and wanted to commend you for everything you are doing to bring a higher sense of awareness to the community. Thanks.
Friday, October 20, 2006 8:50:00 PM
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