15 Year Highschool Reunion
Wow.....I can't believe that it has been 15 years since I've been out of highschool. It really doesn't seem like it's been that long, but it has and it was good to catch up with people after all these years. Even though I stayed in Rochester, for 13 years after highschool, there were several people that I hadn't seen in 15 years. A few moved away, but a good number of folks stayed in tha Roc.
The reuinion was well organized and everyone looked good. On the real though, there were some people that I had to look at the nametag to remember who they were. Some I didn't remember that well as we didn't talk much in highschool. One thing I had forgotten was that I didn't take a senior picture. I don't know what happened, but I felt a little left out because everyones senior picture flashed across the screen during dinner and mine was missing. None the less, a brotha was happy to have got up out that joint.
During the tour, we were told that Wilson Magnet is now rated as the 24th best highschool in America. That's pretty prestigous given the number of highschools in the country. They have also upgraded the school, and I'll tell ya, these youngsters have it good (I know I sound old..."youngsters", who says that.....LOL). They built a whole new section onto the school, with a new gym, they have a plasma TV in the lunchroom now, they have a new beautiful library, and new locker rooms among other things. Here are a few pictures of my fellow Wilson alum:

The outside of the school
The picture is the man who the school is named after
The flags represent flags from the nations of current and past Wilson students
(don't want people to think I was in a "special" class.....LOL)
Us after dinner and several drinks......open bar all night and we were feelin' lovely!
Next time you come home and not contact a bitch..it's gonna be ME AND YOU in the middle of Main and Clinton.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006 9:42:00 AM
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