Pride, Anger, Unemployment & India
I haven't been posting on current events recently like I would like or have in the past, but believe me, I have opinions on some of the things I've been seeing in the news. As has been the case the past few months, the past few weeks since my last post have been busy. The title of this post reflects a few of my experiences since my last post.
Black Pride here in Philly was pretty cool. I have to admit though, and maybe I'm a little biased, but I most enjoyed the events that the Black Gay Men's Leadership Council (which I'm a member of) hosted. On the Friday evening of Pride, we held a Civil Rights panel at the host hotel. We put a lot of work in the few weeks prior to the event to get the panelists together and to get our palm card developed that we wanted to debut at the event. The palm cards inform people on how to protect their civil rights if they feel they are being treated unfairly by the police or if they find themselves the victim of a hate crime. The cards also provide contact information for resources that can help a person in the event they find themselves the victim of a crime. We had over 50 people who attended the panel, so the room we had was pretty packed and we were able to capture the panel on film. There was a large youth presence, which was great and they asked questions and shared some of their negative experiences with the police. Overall we got positive feedback about the panel and the Council is working on identifying the next action steps we plan to take on this issue.
Our second event was a networking happy hour event, held in CC, around the corner from the host hotel. Again, we had a good turnout and there was a good mix of men and women, which doesn't happen often in social spaces that I've seen here in Philly. The Hors d' vours at the event were off the chain! They had a brotha wishin' I bought a Ziploc bag to put some of the appetizers in. And yes I would have done it if I had one.....LOL. Since we had 2 successful happy hours at this venue, I think we're going to try to do it on a monthly basis, so any Philadelphians who come across this, hit me up and I can let you know when they will be held.
On Saturday night there are always two main men’s party's that happen, thrown by the same people every year. The Firm and then a guy named Chris. As folks may have read on Clay Canes Blog, The Firm wasn't letting trans folks into their party this year. Historically this party advertises to a more "masculine" crowd, and urban "thug drag" is the uniform of choice for its attendees. I was finding this hard to believe, that during Pride, one of the party's would discriminate against a segment of the community like that. So I decided to ask someone who would know if this was true or not and he confirmed that they were indeed not allowing trans folks into their party. I didn't feel that I could support an event like that, so I decided to go to Chris's party, which was at a club that has 3 floors, with a different style of music on each and no limitations on who could or couldn't attend. The party was nice, but it was madd crowded. I don't know what possessed me to put on the footwear I did, but I should have known better. I had on some suede Timberland sneakers and by the time I left the club they were a mess. I had a huge boot print on one of them.
We attended the community event the next day, which was held indoors since it has historically been cold and sometimes rainy on the day of that event in the past. I think with the event being indoors, it shifted the energy and I didn't like it as much as I did last year. Of course this year, it was warm and sunny out, go figure. I was just about through though, when they started a competition on who can tell the best "you know you so ghetto when...." joke. Why do we always have to go there?!?!
The Monday before our Civil Rights Panel during Pride, I sent out a press release to several media sources in hopes we might get some coverage for the event. The one media outlet out of all of them, that I thought hands down should have covered the event and wrote something about it, was the local gay newspaper, called the Philadelphia Gay News (PGN). Two days prior to the event, I called the Editor of the paper, who I understand is a Black Gay man who would hopefully be interested in covering the story. He didn't answer, so I left him a message. Well.......not only did they not provide any coverage of our event, but there was absolutely no coverage of Philadelphia's Black Gay Pride at all in their paper the following week. I was vexed!!! How can the only gay newspaper in town not cover such a large event? Why would they participate in the invisibility of positive stories of Black folks that the mainstream press is so good at ignoring? The PGN is known for being a very White oriented paper, rarely covering stories that are relevant to the lives of people of color. But I plan to turn my anger into action, which I'll reveal at a later time. In all actuality, because the PGN doesn't really cover stories relevant to lives of POC, not many POC read it. And although it's readership is mostly White, I feel they still need to be responsible for covering the full spectrum of the LGBT experience and not just the experience of the White LGBT community.
I have been working with one of my clients in Germantown now for about 6 months and during that whole time, he has been looking for a job. A little background on this young man is that he is mildly Autistic, but very intelligent, African American, 18 years old and has never held a job before. He has applied to several places, but hasn't gotten a call back from any of them. He has been sheltered by his mother for most of his life, so he has limited social skills and has some limitations on his social skills due to the Autism as well.
In our last session, I decided that I would try to help him find a job, because he's been trying so hard and I think he would make a good employee, if someone would give him the chance. I thought maybe if I went with him and could talk to a manager and advocate for him, that it might help to get him a job. Boy was I naive! We went to 2 places in the neighborhood where he lives, one a grocery store and the other a CVS. I was amazed at how hard it is to talk to a real person these days about your employment inquiries at low level jobs such as a grocery store or retail. Everyone has you fill out an application online or on a computer in the store, no more paper. You can't event get a manager to come and talk to you about potential job opportunities either. What stunned me even more was the process CVS has you go through to apply for a job. Before you even get called for an interview you have to fill out a very extensive questionnaire, which is really more of a psychological test than an application. They asked my client all kinds of questions about his personality and even asked if he received food stamps. I was thinking, what the hell does that have to do with getting a job at CVS? Or anywhere for that matter! Does that weigh for you or against you? That just seems so inappropriate to ask of a potential employee.
I picked up immediately that these questions are used to build a psychological profile of potential applicants so they can easily weed through people who don't score well on the test, which are people, per the test, that wouldn't make a good employee. Whatever happened to filling out an application on paper and being able to interview with a real person before being judged on whether or not you might be a good employee? It's hard to get even a basic job these days. No wonder so many young people find it hard to get a job, because there are constant barriers in their path they have to try to navigate and you have to have patience, which is a virtue that doesn't exist a great deal in modern society any more it seems. I tried to coach him on how to answer the questions as I figured I knew what would be the answers they are looking for in someone they would be willing to hire. It will be interesting to see if he gets called for an interview.
India Arie
Last Wednesday, India Arie was in Philly promoting her new album, that's coming out at the end of June. I was able to get invited to her listening party at this fabulous cafe' in the Old City section of Philly. I got there madd early and was able to get a seat really close to the stage. The place was packed and she was good. I've never really been a big fan of hers, though I really like her new song "I Am Not My Hair", the version with Akon in it. She performed well live. Here are a few pics of her performance here in Philly:

HMM. MESS Ziploc bag. I would'vbe done it too. You can ALWAYS catch me at a party wrapping something in a napkin and putting it in my pocket. (LOL)
EVen I know not to wear suede timbs to a club, and I've never been to one. That is against the rulebook of clubbing. (LOL)
The pgn is HMMM. I'll hold my tongue.
OMG. You sound like my mother with the apply with paper. I was looking for a job a while back and she was all, " well I'll drive you to the store and you can pick up an application". She kept saying it until I had to scream, " MOM, THEY ARE ALL ONLINE, EVERY STORE IS ONLINE." and yes those questions are a mess, "How much have you stole from your last job? How much do you plan to steal form this job?" My mother started screaming it was discrimination when she saw the food stamp question, even though we've never been on food stamps. After you fill out the IQ/personality/ potential tests they call you in for an interview. That's how my new job did it.
INDIA MY BABY. I was mad when they told me her cd was coming out in June yesterday. I wanted the man to say , " oh we have it right now and at a special price just for you sir." (I never get those type breaks. LOL)UMMM.. I don't like her new guitar.(LOL)
Tuesday, May 16, 2006 4:38:00 PM
Pride – I also enjoyed the Friday event GMLC put on. If doing a panel like this is going to be an ongoing thing, I recommend having just slightly later in the evening. I think the discussion started at 4 or 4:30. I work a couple of block away right downtown, however I miss the beginning because I don’t get off until five, which I think is true for many people. Come on, show some love for the 9 to 5ers.
What a shame regarding the Firm party. How awful that people would be turned away at the door at an event that was for them. I don’t think I will attend any Firm parties in the future.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006 3:51:00 PM
What is the purpose of pride? It never cease to amaze me that these events only promote the "favored" in the gay community. Yet, the gay community strive to be inclusive in wider society...tragic.
Friday, May 19, 2006 5:40:00 PM
I just saw that letter that you sent to the PGN. Thanks for that. I am going to send a letter myself. I will be sure to forward a copy of my letter to you.
Thursday, May 25, 2006 8:21:00 AM
im glad you had a good time and im glad the other party was crowded!
Thursday, May 25, 2006 1:46:00 PM
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