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Monday, October 02, 2006

Philadelphia School District adds controversial celebration to calendar

Last week the Philadelphia school district announced a bold decision to put gay and lesbian history month into their school calendar. Of course this decision hasn't come without protest by parents and others who feel that homosexuality shouldn't be "promoted" by the school district.

Those who oppose the idea of having gay and lesbian history discussed in school are trying to compare gay history with that of Black history, trying to make the point that one is valid while the other is not. Most folks who oppose gay and lesbian history month do so because they feel homosexuality is a choice, unlike race which you are born with and is unchangeable. On the contrary, depending on which side you stand, it could be argued that homosexuality is innate (you're born gay or lesbian) and that therefore it isn't a choice. Either way there is a long history of contributions that gays and lesbians have made to American history and continue to contribute to society every day. The issue for me is more about acknowleding the diversity that exists in our society.

Personally I'm tired of homophobic Blacks trying to act like gays and lesbians are trying to ride on the backs of the Black Civil Rights movement and trying to demote homosexuality to a choice that can be changed at any time. I believe there are some parallels to both Civil Rights movements, but of course they are not the same and I don't think there are any LGBT's saying they are the same. Indeed, Black gays have been around for years, even during the Black Civil Rights era, lest we forget James Baldwin or Bayard Rustin. So for Black gays at that time, they paid twice the toll of discrimination. Besides if you want to be flip about one not being able to change their race, we can look at Michael Jackson as a reference point. No shade, but at this point, I think he's his own unique race.

In addition, a benefit to having a gay and lesbian history month in the schools will begin a crritical dialogue, that if handled correctly, can have a positive benefit on changing negative perceptions of homosexuality. For lack of a better word it can begin to "normalize" it as a healthy lifestyle which would have positive implications on eradicating homophobia. If conversations are starting with students when they are young and positive images are being presented about gays and lesbians, then thousands of young people can be saved from experiencing the pain of the closet and hostile, homophobic school environments. One of the activities that 9th graders would have to engage in as part of the month is to read a story on the coming out process.

I think this is a great idea the Philadelphia school district has taken on if they handle it correctly. I hope they won't be discouraged by homophobic zealots who seek to keep LGBT's oppressed. To see a video newsclip of this story click here.


Blogger larz said...

I completely agree with you. Me and a friend recently had a discussion about this, with us being two homosexual students in the Phila. school district found this acknowledgement a refreshing one. You should read our blog sometimes it's called Viewpoints, and can be found @ brianandalicia.blogspot.com
We wrote our perspective on the whole ordeal. Don't worry about the fact the we're students, b/c we're seniors, and we're very articulate. I hope you enjoy our blog as much as I did yours!!!


Monday, October 02, 2006 8:56:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK- I have a serious question to ask, what is "healthy" about a gay lifestyle? I am not referencing social contributions either. If I remember correctly, isn't alternative lifestyle the epicenter of HIV/AIDS for starters?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006 2:31:00 PM

Blogger Absolutelee said...

Captain, now that surely isn't a serious question, because all human life has value. It's not your sexual orientation that makes you a healthy person or not. It's more about how you take care of yourself physically and emotionally and the principles with which you live your life by.

Your reasoning around HIV/AIDS doesn't hold, because In the US African American women are quickly becoming the epicenter of HIV infections. Does this now mean that African American women's lives aren't "healthy"?

In Africa Blacks are the epicenter of HIV infection, does that mean that African's don't live a "healthy" lifestyle.

Get back to me when you have more solid reasoning for your homophobic rhetoric.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006 3:03:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very interesting comments, I will respond to that in my blog. I have some more concrete thoughts to bring up now that you got me thinking in this light. I don't aim to bring homophoic rhetoric, just presenting a diametric view on how the gay lifestyle yields no proof that it is healthy for an individual or society as a whole.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006 10:10:00 AM


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