What I've Been Up 2
I can't event remember th last time I posted something personal, but a lot has been going on, all of it good for the most part.......
PhD Program
I think I mentioned in my last post that I was planning to apply to a couple of PhD programs. Well I decided that I am defintely going to pursue that last leg of my educational career and have sent in most of the stuff I need for Drexel. I am also planning to apply to Temple, but haven't yet submitted my application. I have decided that I will go for my doctorate in Public Health. I think that fits best with my educational and career interests. I attended an open house for the Public Health program at Drexel and I really like what I heard. My preference really is for Drexel. As I was looking at what both programs offered, I learned about the difference between a PhD, which Temple has and a Dr. PH, which Drexel offers. A PhD is more classroom experience whereas the DrPH has more of a community, direct practice focus to it, though there is still classwork and projects involved.
Drexel has a few staff that are experienced in LGBT research, which would be my area of focus for my dissertation. Another reason why I think Drexel would be a good fit is that some of the professors there are involved in projects that I am involved with related to gay health. So, we shall see how it goes. The only thing I need to do now is take my GRE's, which I have started to study for. My plan is to take them the second week in December.
Social Work Exam
On another note, I am happy to announce that I am now a licensed social worker in the state of Pennsylvania! I took the exam about 3 weeks ago and it was more difficult than I thought it would be. I studied quite a bit prior to the exam and even bit the bullet and ordered a $75 online practice exam. I'm glad I did, because I think it really helped me get a better understanding of the kind of questions on the exam and more importantly, the rationale often used for what they feel is the correct answer.
While taking the exam, I felt like I was experiencing ADD. It was hard for me to focus and I found myself reading the questions over a few times and having to guess at some. By the end, I really wasn't sure if I had passed or not. The exam is 170 multiple choice questions and you are given 4 hours to complete it. It took me 3 1/2. The test is on a computer and it gives you your results immediately. I passed that exam by 3 points and I was happy as hell. If I would have failed, I don't think I would have taken it again anytime soon. There were 2 other people who took it with me and the guy who was monitoring the testing area was spilling their tea. He told me they both failed and that one of the women had already taken it 3 or 4 times. Today in the mail, I got my offficial license with my license number.........hey!
Now on to the GRE's............
Trying to Find Balance
This has been a difficult thing to do the past several months because I have been involved in so much stuff. My full time job is going well and I'm currently going through my 2 year review, which I expect to be favorable. I am also still working at Mazzoni Center as a therapist part time, which is going well. Tonight was a little tough as I have a client who is really going through a tough time and I'm feeling like we're not making much progress on his issues, meanwhile he's spiraling deeper into depression. We are working on some things, that hopefully will get him to a healthier place. On top of that I am quite busy with the Black Gay Men's Leadership Council. We have a lot going on as we were recently funded by the city to hold a Black Gay Men's Research Summit here in Philly in March of 2007 and also to spearhead the organization of a general gay men's health movement here in Philadelphia. I plan to do a post later this week about the work of the Council for those who might be interested in joining.
With all this going on it's difficult to find balance and take care of the other parts of my life that need attention like my partner, studying for the GRE's, rest and just having fun. Though I did find some time to hang out last Thursday evening. I was invited to a dinner party with a group of Black gay men in North Philly. These brothas get together every week to replenish their souls with good food, laughter and friendship. I really enjoyed it and am appreciative they let me into their circle and the food was bangin'!
Upcoming events
This weekend I am going to a bowl and brunch event which is a fundraiser for Mazzoni Center. I haven't bowled in several years, so I hope I can do a little somthin' somthin' out there this weekend. Next week is the big event that is co-sponsored by the BGMLC and my full time employer. I think it will shape up to be a nice event and there seems to be a general interest about it. Of course Thanksgiving is in 3 weeks, which I plan to spend here in Philadelphia. I'm not big on holiday's so I'm looking forward to getting them over with and embarking on a new year.
Also I am coming up on my Blog-a-versary!!!!! November 3rd marks my 1 year start of blogging. I can't believe it's been that long and I am also about to hit 5,000 views, which I am happy about also. I guess someone out there is paying attention to what I write.........LOL. I'll have to prepare something for my one year, not sure what though..........any suggestions?
iTunes Addiction
I admit it , I am addicted! I have been buying music like crazy off of there. I don't think I've been to the store to buy a CD in a couple of months. It's just easier to get it off of iTunes for the same price, actually a little cheaper if you consider the fact that you don't pay tax on iTunes purchases. They also sometimes give you extra tracks and/or a video. I've got to get a grip before I end up in iTunes Anonymous....LOL.
That's all I've been up to. Plodding along at the speed of life.