Upcoming Public Holiday Events
Holiday Party @ MS. Tootsies
The BGMLC, COLOURS, House of Blahnik, the Black LGBT Archivists Society, Simply Christopher Entertainment, Smoke Lilies & Jade, GALAEI, Beta Phi Omega and Philly Black Gay Pride invite you to join us in a holiday celebration at Ms. Tootsies on South Street.
There will be drink specials and a nice holiday desert spread. We hope you'll join us!
What: Holiday Party
Date: Wednesday December 17, 2008- 5:30p
Where: Ms. Tootsies ( 1314 South Street)
Kwanzaa Celebration 2008
Yes, Kwanzaa is back and you are invited to join us. This year, the event is being co-sponsored by several Black LGBT serving organizations as has been the case in the past. This years event falls on December 27th, and Kwanzaa principle Kujichagulia- self determination. December 27th also marks the date our beloved Black gay civil rights pioneer, and native son of Philadelphia, Joe Beam left us for Heaven. There will be a special recognition of Joe Beam at this years event as well as an honoring of our elders.
This will be a great event and you won't want to miss it. There will be light appetizers and refreshments served. Click on the picture below to enlarge it for the details.
What: Kwanzaa 2008When: Saturday December 27, 2008, 6p-9p
Where: William Way Community Center (1315 Spruce Street)
Cost: FREE