Alright who watched Flavor of Love Sunday night? Yeah I have still been following it, because it is my bufoonery entertainment on Sunday nights. After the hype up of the clip where they showed New York bum rushin' Pumpkin at the elimination ceremony, I had to tune in and see the drama unfold. So there are only 3 girls left on Flavor of Love and he decided to meet their parents. So here are my thoughts on the girls and their dates with Flav and their mothers:
I think Pumpkin' is only out to make a name for herself by being on as many TV reality shows as possible. Damn, the girl has been on like 4 or 5 already, which she wasn't up front with Flav about so she got da BOOT and went out with dramatic flair, which I'll get to later. Pumpkin looks just like her mother, only younger. When her mother saw Flav, I know she was like what the hell is my daughter doing? And when Flav had his crusty assed feet out, having them sanded off during a pedicure I thought I was gonna throw up! I already don't really like feet, so looking at those nasty beat up feet didn't help! He could turn someone with a foot fetish off from feet altogether.
Pumpkin herself is whack tho. I don't really like her and didn't think she would be picked anyway, unless he was trying to fulfill his Bridgette Nielsen fantasy over again. She killed me in that episode where she had her Bo Derrick braids in. She is nobody's Bo Derrick nor anybodies "10"(if you get the pun). But what she did at elimination was foul and she didn't get what she REALLY deserved, which was a real ass whippin'. The other disgusting thing was when Flav was mad at her for not telling him about all the TV shows she's been on and he was telling her to get off him because "I need to go drop my kids off at the pool". EEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW, TMI infinity!

I like her the most out of the 3, because she's the least crazy and phony. I don't think her intentions are pure, because why would someone as pretty and young as her get involved with Flav's old, crusty ass? He revealed he's 46, I was like dayum, and he is actin' like this! He continues to take bufoonery to a new level, especially when he came down the stairs in that outfit for the date with Hoopz and her mother, all I have to say is A MESS! So on the date they went to some medieval times type of event and he's flirting with Hoopz mother and she's flirting back! To make it worse Hoopz said that her mother has taken interest and dated someone Hoopz dated in the past. And you wonder why our kids have no morals, it's 'cuz some of the parents don't have any! Actin' like a teenager when they're not. I had to laugh tho, when New York made the art analogy to Hoopz mother, 'cuz it was so true. When they first showed her mother (from afar), I was like wow, she looks young and hot, then they showed her close up and it was like ooooohhhhhh hell to the naw, she was haggard close up. She had the audacity to say that she would date Flav if he didn't pick Hoopz....what!? But then again, they are probably about the same age.........
New York
Now I know why she is the way she is. Dayum, her mother is RAW and she let Flav have it from jump. She was letting her daughter have it too, which I thought was foul. She told New York str8 up, "honey you're fat!" Now watch her end up with an eating disorder, way to go mom! The father was mousy and you can tell the mother runs shit up in there. So New York gets on my nerves, 'cuz she is soooooo dramatic and messy. Every episode I think, "this woman can't be serious!", especially when she was talking about how delicious Flav is. I think she meant more like crunchy, crispy, ummmmm.........burnt, something along those lines would be more accurate.
But when her and Pumkin started to argue, I was sittin' on the edge of my seat to get a good view of that battle unfold. It was sooooo foul for Pumkin to spit in her face like that, and New York should have beat her ass all the way out the door and then some. But I have to say it was funny as hell when she pushed Pumkin so hard that she crashed head first into the camera. I was rollin'!
Well there is only one episode left, so it'll be interesting to see how it unfolds. I want Hoopz to win, though I have a feeling that he is gonna pick New York. For you Flavor of Love fans, who do you think is gonna win? Why?